Side remark: Very useful. Exciting. A lot of information to memorize. Good fun.
- Miscellaneous
- Useful points from class that was emphasised
- surface area erosion for spheres for other shapes too
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 2 - Hierarchical Tissue Organization and the Role of Extracellular Matrix within the Tissue
- Lecture 3
- Lecture 4
- Lecture 5 - Morphogenesis
- The real week 4
- Lecture 6,7,8 - Cell Fate Processes and Their Mathematical Representation
- Lecture 9 - Control of Cell Fate Processes
- Lecture 10 - Wound Healing
- Lecture 11 - Biomaterial Scaffolds and their properties; Natural Biomaterials
- Lecture 12 - Synthetic Extracellular Matrices Endowed with Specific Biological Activity
- Research paper
- Guest lecture
- Week 6
- Week 6